Selection of record book journal entries from agricultural experience project

Friday, December 4th:

Today I took pictures of the calves and what I do on the farm for my record book.  Another farmhand had already finished some of my usual chores (hay and feed for one of the larger pens).   There were many less calves in the big pens, and so I only gave a half bucket of feed to each side.

Monday, December 7th:

One of the Calves was moved into another pen because it’s old pen broke.  Satan and Antichrist pranced around quite a bit.

Wednesday, December 9th:

There was a huge pile of fresh sawdust in today.  Mr. Beiler must have just received that 1 ton of bedding.  Fresh sawdust is a pleasure to scoop because it’s not packed down at all like sawdust that has been sitting around for a couple weeks.  Little Minnow is getting so much bigger, I told him to stop growing.  We’re definitely at a low point for how much time the calf care takes, this is largely due to the lack of any cows to bottle-feed.  That takes quite a bit of time.
