Fitness plan for 2009

Health, Period 4

Fitness Plan


Fitness Goals

1. 7.0 second 40 yard dash— Over the next month/Each Day / Current Time:10.0 seconds

            -Warm up session (stretching, walking/jogging the 40 yards)

            -Running the 40 yards, time myself

            -Walking the 40 to cool down

2. Increase Performance in Ping Pong and in Gym Games— Over the next quarter/Mon-Thurs. & Nights

            -Warm up session before getting started (stretching)

            -Planning new things to try, setting goals such as scoring higher against the same person or focusing more, pushing myself more

            -Playing more often, set a time for when to play every night

3. Increase Endurance— Over the next month/Each Day

            -Warm up session (stretching)

            -Hold an exercise position for as long as possible

            -Run for as long as possible

            -Walk around to cool down


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