DiSC Report: Creative Pattern

As of December 30th, 2020, I affirm these DiSC test results from 2016 as still generally accurate descriptions of my behavioral style. Here is an excerpt describing work habits that tend to be found within people who hold the same behavioral pattern as me (profiled the “Creative”). DiSC stands for the four quadrants this behavioral model measures: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness.

Jacob’s Work Habits
By offering progressive ideas that solve problems, you are likely to influence how organizational systems develop. Your insight and answers can sometimes be a major factor in how fast a project moves or how successful a task ultimately is. You tend to offer innovative approaches that buck the status quo, but the solutions you create or advocate are likely to be solid. You often initiate and design fresh procedures. You may believe that even if change has to be forced on an environment, it is for the best.

When confronted with a crisis or a sudden switch in plans, you often display quick thinking and an ability to react rapidly. Your ready grasp of the facts sometimes means that you make daily decisions in a blur of activity. Therefore, indecisiveness tends not to be a problem for you. However, you probably prefer to have time to explore every option before choosing the best answer. In fact, bigger decisions, such as those involving career or life plans, may elicit a heavy dose of caution from you.

Along with your talent for fast thinking, you often show great foresight. This may especially be true when you focus on the demands of a given task. When plotting your approach to a project, you often act independently. If the project turns out to be routine or unimaginative, you may quickly become bored. Furthermore, any restraints on your creativity or clamps on your schedule will likely cause you to sulk.

If you fail to reach your high goals or achieve your lofty standards, you tend to become frustrated. You may also become irked if your colleagues do not live up to the high personal standards that you often place upon them. In such cases, you may be painfully blunt or even condescending toward those you feel are slacking. Criticism is usually easy for you to deliver, as your drive for innovative solutions and perfectionism often relegates social concerns to the background.

DiSC Classic 2.0 Report, page 11