Curriculum vitae

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2015—present. Intern, Philabundance Community Kitchen, Philadelphia, PA

2015—present. Research Assistant, Agora Institute for Civic Virtue and the Common Good, Eastern University, St. David’s, PA


2016 expected. B.A., Sociology, Gordon College.

2012. High school diploma. Conestoga Christian School.


2014—2015. Intern, Center for Faith and Inquiry, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

2014. Intern, Partners in Development, Glendora, MS

2013—2014. Resident Advisor, Residence Life, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

2009—2013. Field Hand, Cashier, Weaver’s Orchard, Morgantown, PA


2014. Visitor to Dementia Patients, Essex Park Rehabilitation Center, Wenham, MA

2013. Compassionate Care Volunteer, Reading Hospital, Reading, PA

2013-2014. Service Week Participant, Reading PA organizations (Berks Housing Authority, Berks Land Protection, Red Cross, Hope New Church afterschool program and soup kitchen program)

2012. Videographer and Photographer, Hopewell Christian Fellowship, Lima, Peru, and Elverson, PA

2011-2012. Volunteer cleanup, Hope Rescue Mission, Reading, PA, with Hopewell Christian Fellowship, Elverson, PA.

2011. Cleanup Crew, Friendship Park in Reading, PA, with Hopewell Christian Fellowship, Elverson, PA


2015. Research Assistant, School Cultures and Student Formation Project, hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia. Funded by the Kern Family Foundation

2015. Research Assistant, Faith Communities of Lynn, MA Directory Project, (SOC 311), James Trent, Department of Sociology, Gordon College.

2014. Research Assistant, “Finding Greener Alternatives for AP Chromatography Labs” Project for Beyond Benign: Green Chemistry, Amy Cannon, Wilmington, MA.


Sociologies of Death (SOC106), Teaching Assistant Fall 2014, Gordon College.

Discipleship Group, Discussion Leader, Gordon College, Fall 2015.

Discipleship Group, Discussion Leader, Hopewell Christian Fellowship, Summer 2015.

Fusion Youth Group, Lecturer, Hopewell Christian Fellowship, Spring 2012.


2015. Participant at The Harvard National Model United Nations Conference in Boston, MA (February 12-15).

2014. Participant at The Reformation Project, Washington, D.C., Regional Training Conference, National City Christian Church, Washington, D.C. (November 6-8)


Sociology of Poverty

Theological Philosophy

Sociology of Culture

Sociology of Education

Historical and Comparative Sociology



2014—present. American Sociological Association.

2013—present. American Scientific Association.


Available upon request

Reports, Essays, Articles, and Book Reviews

2015. “I Fit in to International Diplomacy” POL246 International Diplomacy: The Model United Nations. Professor Paul Brink. February 25. 3 pages.

2015. “H. Richard Niebuhr’s Understanding of Christian Ethics and Biblical Foundations” BCM308 Christian Theology. Professor James Arcadi. May 5. 10 pages.

2015. “Two Natures, One Being: My Perspective on the Person of Christ Compared and Contrasted with Bonhoeffer’s Understanding as Primarily Conveyed in Life Together” BCM308 Christian Theology. Professor James Arcadi. March 17. 9 pages.

2015. “Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” SOC285 Foundations of Sociological Thought. May 14. 12 pages.

2015. “Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: Journals 1-6” SOC232 Diversity in the U.S. Population. April 16. 31 pages.

2014. “After All This, I’m Leaning Towards Reconciliation: Discerning the Land and Next Moves” NON312 Discernment, Decision Making, and the Call of God. Professor Greg Carmer. December 13, 22 pages.

2014. “Report of my Internship with Partners in Development, Inc.: Community Development in the Mississippi Delta” NON312 Discernment, Decision Making, and the Call of God. Professor Greg Carmer. September 9, 15 pages.

2014. “Reading Report: Lee Hardy, The Fabric of This World” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. February 18,  2 pages.

2014. “What is Bernard Lonergan’s The Good as Human Object: Its Invariant Structure about?” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. April 10, 2 pages.

2014. “What is Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology, Chapter 1, Sections 1-4, about?” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. April 10, 2 pages.

2014. “Reading Report: Leading Lives That Matter” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. February 11, 3 pages.

2014. “Albert M. Wolters, Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. February 27, 5 pages.

2014. “The Church Empowering Members to Full Humanity through Celebration, Art, and Play” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. March 20, 11 pages.

2014. “An Analysis of Visits at Essex Park Rehabilitation Center: The Invariant Structure of the Human Good as Object” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer. April 24, 14 pages.

2014. “Elements of Responsible Action: My Responsible Student Ethics” NON310 Foundations of Work and Vocation. Professor Greg Carmer, May 1. 7 pages.

2014. “Analysis of report measuring body, weight, and metabolic rate” MAT220 Biostatistics. Professor Mike Veatch. April 16. 6 pages.

2014. “Journals from Health Professions I-II” HLP200 & HLP201. Professor Craig Story. Gordon College. October 30, 2013 – May 6, 2014. 26 pages.

2013. “How can we process tons of bioinformation and model complicated biomolecular behavior? The path to a bioinformatic career” BIO260 Introduction to Research in Biology. Professors Gregory Keller and Justin Topp. (November 26), 4 pages.

2013. “Creation with a Mind of its Own: God Created Species Using Evolution” BIO250 Plants, Ecology, and Evolution. Professors Dorothy Boorse and Gregory Keller. (December 12), 8 pages.

2013. “Waiting for Change: Functions in the biology of intestinal absorption and microbiota” MAT134 Survey of Calculus. Professor Karl Crisman. November 18. 12 pages.

2013. “Changes in respiratory rate of goldfish during caffeine exposure” BIO151 Animal Biology. Professor Jennifer Noseworthy. Gordon College. May 9. 2 pages.

2013. “The Importance of Waiting in Line for Foosball: Work’s Intrinsic Value” COR107 The Great Conversation: Foundations in Reading, Writing, and Thinking. Professor Brian Fleming. Gordon College. May 7. 6 pages.

2013. “Healing Virtue and Community” COR107 The Great Conversation: Foundations in Reading, Writing, and Thinking. Professor Brian Fleming. Gordon College. February 12. 3 pages.

2013. “Finding Love in Fulton” COR107 The Great Conversation: Foundations in Reading, Writing, and Thinking. Professor Brian Fleming. Gordon College. March 26. 5 pages.

2012. “Writings from Applications of Learning Theory” EDU171 Applications of Learning Theory. Professors Ann Seavey and Pamela Longacre. December 10. 9 pages.

2012. “Psychoanalysis and Christian Faith” PSY220 The Person in Psychological Context. Professor Jonathan Gerber. December 10. 4 pages.

2012. “Chemical Reactions of copper and percent yield” CHE111 Principles of Chemistry I. Professor Dwight Tshudy. Gordon College. November 25. 2 pages.

2012. “Writings from HS American Literature” American Literature. Conestoga Christian School. Teacher Elaina Shirk. May 15. 21 pages.

Presentations and Lectures

2015. “Mexico: An Overview” Presentation for Spanish 101 Class, Montgomery County Community College. Professor Kimberly Sheeler, respondent. (June 25)

2014. (with Amber Woods and Hanbyul Chang). “Social Justice Literacy: A Problem and Solution for Gordon” 21 pages. Paper presented at a seminar for NON312 Discernment, Decision Making, and the Call of God, Gordon College, Wenham, MA. (November 13) Professors Greg Carmer and Laura Carmer, respondents.

2014. “Paul Ricœur’s Living Up to Death” presented in SOC106 Sociologies of Death. Daniel Johnson, Gordon College, December 10.

2013. “Fecal microbiota and intestinal absorption in vegetarian and gluten-free diets: comparison with omnivores in a cohort of normal and obese mice.” 17 pages. Paper presented in BIO260 Introduction to Research in Biology. Professors Gregory Keller and Justin Topp. (December 17)

2014. “Microwave assisted benzoin condensation using thiamine as a catalyst” Research presented at the Gordon College undergraduate research fair. Irv Levy (May 15)

Papers in Progress

“The Philosophy of Philabundance, Racism, and Philadelphia’s Industrial History”
